Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registration
Posted on 05/14/2020

Hanover County Public Schools is now accepting kindergarten registrations for the 2020–2021 school year. Children must be five years old on or before September 30 to be eligible. Parents and guardians may locate the school their child will attend at

Parents and guardians of eligible kindergarten students may register their child as follows:

1. Complete the pre-registration form at Individuals without internet access or a device may skip this step.

2. Access, complete, and return an enrollment packet consisting of the following three forms: 

Pick up an enrollment packet at any of our fifteen elementary schools’ exterior Kindergarten Welcome Centers or print the forms online.

Return your completed enrollment packet by United States mail to your child’s school or place the packet in a collection bin at one of our two meal service sites (John M. Gandy Elementary School or Mechanicsville Elementary School) on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Thursdays, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

3. Upon receipt of a completed enrollment packet, the school registrar will contact parents and guardians to schedule an in-person appointment to review the following required documents:

  • Child’s birth certificate (official or certified copy)
  • Photo ID of parent or legal guardian

Proof of residency is required. This includes providing one of the following documents, which must reflect the resident’s name and physical address:

  • Deed
  • Current mortgage statement from the lender
  • Current lease (signed)
  • Sales contract for the purchase of the residence (signed by seller and purchaser)

Two of the following are also required and must reflect the resident’s name and physical address:

  • Current landline telephone, cable, internet, satellite, water, gas/oil, or electricity service bill
  • Voter registration card
  • Current DMV issued vehicle registration
  • W-2 tax document for the most recent tax year
  • Combined bill and receipt for personal property taxes (paid within the current year)
  • Bank statement, medical bill, or official correspondence from a governmental agency dated within the last two months

Registration is not final until the in-person appointment occurs and the registrar receives all of the required documentation. In-person appointments for this purpose are permissible under current guidance provided by state officials. All staff and guests are expected to follow all official social distancing and related guidance issued by Governor Northam, the Virginia Department of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control.

A School Entrance Health Form and immunization record is also required before the start of school.

For more information, parents can email the principal at their child’s assigned school or visit our Student Enrollment Page.

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