
Student writing down notes

Our department works to facilitate the instructional curriculum and programs that keep our students learning and progressing throughout their educational experience at HCPS.


  • Jennifer Greif, Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Leadership
  • Ann Huckstep, Senior Administrative Assistant, Instructional Leadership, and School Board Deputy Clerk

Accreditation & Accountability

Hanover County Public Schools was the first school division in Virginia to engage in district accreditation process. We work to balance state standards, student performance, and stakeholder feedback to measure our quality programs and results.


Curriculum & Instruction

We are committed to the academic achievement of our students. Our curriculum addresses the academic, social, and emotional needs of the whole child. Our students graduate well-prepared for success in high school/college and beyond.


Elementary Education

We are invested in teaching our kindergarten through sixth grade students important academic curriculum, as well as social and emotional skills that will serve them well throughout their educational experience at Hanover and beyond.


Leadership, Professional Development, and the Family Engagement and Welcome Center

We strive to assure a quality education for all Hanover students. We seek funding to help supplement our efforts. Such funding helps us focus on teacher professional development, reading instruction for readers at-risk of failure, working with students with limited English proficiency, and educating preschoolers at-risk for starting school behind their peers.


Elementary student with clay sculptureSecondary Education

The educational experience for secondary students builds upon the strong elementary school foundation, as well as helps students acquire an understanding of and respect for themselves and others. Secondary students develop the skills to be responsible citizens and successful as they continue their education and career after high school.


Special Education

We offer a variety of programs to all students with disabilities in order to meet individualized student needs. We believe in an inclusive philosophy and provide services on a continuum to ensure the least restrictive environment.


Restraint and Seclusion

Hanover County Public Schools' Restraint and Seclusion procedures have been implemented in accordance with the Virginia Department of Education regulations and School Board Policy 7-1.6. These procedures ensure that appropriate measures are taken before, during and after a behavior incident where a student is in danger of inflicting serious physical harm or injury to self or others.

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