We are excited to offer our high school students the ability to use Gmail as part of their HCPS-managed Google account. This secure method of digital communication enables our students to develop professional communication skills in a safe environment that many of our students will need before and after leaving high school. An educational email account allows students to send email to HCPS students and teachers, colleges, universities, military branches, and educational entities such as Khan Academy and College Board.
Email is currently the number one method for professional communication. As such, it enables students to take responsibility for applying for internships and jobs; continue communication with necessary school employees throughout the summer; and have full access to the Advance College Academy, Virtual Virginia, and other district-supported educational programs that require access to an email account. Additionally, the ability to send and receive email aids students in modeling professional communication as supported by the profile of a graduate.
Please be assured that HCPS only permits approved entities (outlined above) to exchange emails with students. In addition, HCPS teaches students about the importance of digital citizenship and making smart choices when using the Internet through targeted digital citizenship units delivered in health/PE classes. Teachers in all content areas also embed aspects of appropriate digital citizenship into instruction.
We hope you will be pleased with this new addition that is intended to better serve the needs of our students. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to Dr. Stephen Castle, director of curriculum and instruction, at (804) 365-4500.