2021-22 Transportation Update

2021-22 Transportation Update
Posted on 08/30/2021
HCPS LogoAugust 30, 2021 Update:

Dear Families,

Bus route stops and schedules for the 2021-2022 school year are now available. You can access that information here. Time and bus assignments are subject to change. We encourage you to check back frequently and appreciate your patience as we work to make final adjustments to ensure our routes are as efficient as possible.

If you did not opt-in to transportation by the deadline, you may still request to be considered for service. Please fill out this form as soon as possible. Families who submitted a request after August 22 should still plan on an alternative form of transportation for at least the first few weeks of the school year as those requests may not be processed prior to the first day of school. The Transportation Department will contact you with the status of your request as quickly as possible.

As a reminder, a federal order requires that all riders and drivers wear face masks while on school buses, regardless of vaccination status. Students will generally be seated two children per seat.

Additionally, as noted on the Transportation Request Form, alternate bus stop requests will be reviewed after Wednesday, September 15 as we focus on the first week of school. Alternate bus stops are not guaranteed and are dependent upon bus capacity and serviceability. Once your request is reviewed, a transportation representative will reach out to you to discuss the approval, denial or to request any other needed documentation. The Transportation Department will conduct an address verification of the alternate stop requested. If the address is listed with the registrar within PowerSchool as a secondary address, no other information will be needed.

More information about transportation can be accessed from the following pages:

- School Bus Safety
- Transportation FAQs

If you have additional questions, please contact the Transportation Department at 804-365-6520.

Thank you.

Original August 19, 2021 Message:

Dear Families,

I hope you are having a great week. I’m writing today to share with you several updates regarding transportation for the upcoming school year.

Bus Routes

We are in the process of finalizing bus routes for the 2021-22 school year. We expect routes and schedules to be available on our website starting on Monday, August 30, which will include bus numbers, pickup locations, and pickup times.

Generally, students will be seated two children per seat. A federal order requires that all riders and drivers wear face masks while on school buses, regardless of vaccination status.

Transportation Requests

As you may remember, we are resuming normal bus transportation this school year, including the restoration of normal capacity limits. To help us plan the most efficient routes possible while not restricting service, you were asked to complete an opt-in form by July 2 if you were interested in receiving transportation service. We greatly appreciated your assistance in this process.

If you did not opt-in to transportation by the deadline, you may still file a request via our transportation request form. Please note that transportation requests received after Sunday, August 22 may not be processed prior to the first day of school. Families who submit a request after August 22 should plan on an alternative form of transportation for at least the first few weeks of the school year. The Transportation Department will contact you with the status of your request as quickly as possible.

More information about transportation can be accessed from the following pages:

- School Bus Safety
- Transportation FAQs

If you have additional questions, please contact the Transportation Department at 804-365-6520. Thank you for your continued support.


Adrian Frierson

Director of Transportation

Queridas Familias,

Espero que estén teniendo una gran semana. Les escribo hoy para compartir con ustedes varias actualizaciones con respecto al transporte para el próximo año escolar.

Rutas de Autobuses

Estamos en el proceso de finalizar las rutas de autobuses para el año escolar 2021-22. Esperamos que las rutas y los horarios estén disponibles en nuestro sitio web a partir del lunes 30 de agosto. Este sitio incluirá números de autobús, lugares de recogida y horarios de recogida.

Por lo general, habrá dos estudiantes en cada asiento. Una orden federal requiere que todos/as los/as pasajeros/as y conductores usen máscaras faciales mientras están en los autobuses escolares, sin considerar si está vacunado/a o no.

Solicitudes de transporte

Como recordarán, reanudamos el transporte normal en autobús este año escolar, incluyendo la restauración de los límites de capacidad normales. Para ayudarnos a planificar las rutas más eficientes posibles sin restringir el servicio, se le pidió que completara un formulario si quería participar antes del 2 de julio si estaba interesado/a en recibir el servicio de transporte. Apreciamos enormemente su ayuda en este proceso.

Si no optó por el transporte antes de la fecha límite, aún puede presentar una solicitud a través de nuestro formulario de solicitud de transporte. Por favor tenga en cuenta que puede que las solicitudes de transporte recibidas después del domingo 22 de agosto no se procesen antes del primer día de clases. Las familias que presenten una solicitud después del 22 de agosto deben planear una forma alternativa de transporte durante al menos las primeras semanas del año escolar. El Departamento de Transporte se comunicará con usted sobre el estado de su solicitud lo antes posible.

Se puede acceder a más información sobre el transporte desde las siguientes páginas:

- Seguridad de los autobuses escolares
- Preguntas frecuentes sobre transporte

Si tiene preguntas adicionales, comuníquese con el Departamento de Transporte al 804-365-6520. Gracias por su continuo apoyo.


Adrian Frierson

Director de Transporte
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