As the start of the school year quickly approaches, we want to share some quick facts to help you better prepare. Please keep this information handy as you plan ahead. We are excited to see our students soon!
Face-to-Face Learning
Health and Safety Reminders
Face masks are required at all times while indoors on school property,
as ordered by Virginia’s Health Commissioner.
- Students are encouraged to wash their hands frequently and maintain social distancing to the greatest extent possible.
- Students who are sick must stay home.
First Day of School
Tuesday, September 7: Only students
making significant transitions back to school. This includes:
- Pre-K
- Kindergarten
- First grade
- Third grade at John M. Gandy Elementary School only
- Sixth grade
- Ninth grade
- Any student new to Hanover County Public Schools
- Any student transitioning from the Online School back to the face-to-face environment
- Any student new to the Online School
Wednesday, September 8: All other face-to-face and online students. It will be an A Day for secondary students.
Find the 2021-22 school calendar
on the HCPS website.
Start and End Times
- Elementary Schools: 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Three schools (Cool Spring Elementary School, Laurel Meadow Elementary School, and Mechanicsville Elementary School) will operate on a shifted schedule of 8:15 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. to help ensure our transportation service is as efficient as possible.
- Middle Schools: 8:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
- High Schools: 8:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Food Service
- Meals
are free for the 2021-22 school year.
- View our school menus
- We will use disposable lunch trays and utensils, as well as touchless payment.
- Only families
who have opted in will receive bus transportation.
- Families who have not opted-in to bus service must transport their student(s) to and from school each day.
- Find your bus stop and schedule
- A federal order requires all drivers and riders to
wear face masks while on school buses, regardless of vaccination status.
Visitors and Volunteers
- We will welcome visitors and volunteers this school year on a limited, case-by-case basis.
- Rising seventh and twelfth grade students
must have the required immunizations filed with their school prior to the first day of school.
Stay Connected
Blackboard Connect – email, text, and phone notification system;
receive important messages from your student’s school and the school division about events, closings, bus updates, and more.
- Schoology (
Students) – view your student’s classes and assignments; receive teacher and school announcements.
HCPS website – find up-to-date information on the division and the Return to Learn plan and
COVID-19 updates.
- Social media (
Instagram) – stay informed about division announcements, events, and more.
PowerSchool – view your student’s grades and attendance records.
Online School Payments – pay students fees online (i.e. dues, parking, library, etc.)
Hanover County Online School
First Day of School
- Tuesday, September 7: Only students
making significant transitions will attend school. This includes:
- Kindergarten
- First grade
- Sixth grade
- Ninth grade
- Any student new to Hanover County Online School, regardless of grade.
Wednesday, September 8: All students attend. It will be an A Day for secondary students.
Start and End Times
- Elementary School: 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
- Middle School: 8:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
- High School: 8:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Food Service
- We
will offer curbside meal distribution at three schools on Mondays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Meals are free and students do not need to be present to receive the meals.
Virtual Learning Resources
- Utilize the
Online Learning Help Hub.
- Access the
Student Support Portal.
- Find
Chromebook support and tips.
- Explore more important resources
on the OWL website.
- Rising seventh and twelfth grade students (Online and face-to-face)
must have the required immunizations filed with the school prior to the first day of school.
Stay Connected
Blackboard Connect – email, text, and phone notification system;
receive important messages from your student’s school and the school division about events, closings, bus updates, and more.
- Schoology (
Students) – view your student’s classes and assignments; receive teacher and school announcements.
HCPS website – find up-to-date information on the division and the Return to Learn plan and
COVID-19 updates.
- Social media (
Instagram) – stay informed about division announcements, events, and more.
PowerSchool – view your student’s grades and attendance records.
Online School Payments – pay students fees online (i.e. dues, parking, library, etc.)
We hope this is helpful as you plan ahead. We are excited to welcome our students back into our buildings and wish you a great start to the school year! As always, thank you for your continued patience, support, and understanding as we work together through these challenging times.