The Virginia Board of Education recently named four Hanover schools as recipients of the 2020 exemplar performance school awards.
Pearson’s Corner Elementary School earned the board of education highest achievement award. This award recognizes schools that achieved a state accreditation rating of accredited and demonstrated high levels of success across all school quality indicators including success in narrowing achievement gaps. Schools earning this award also had to meet the following criteria:
- Level one accreditation benchmark for reading, mathematics, and science based on the student pass rate, not including growth or progress on assessments taken by English language learners;
- No more than a 5 percent achievement gap for schools with two student groups or a 10 percent gap for schools with three or more student groups between the lowest-performing group and all other students in the school; and
- Achieved at level one on all other applicable school quality indicators.
John M. Gandy, Mechanicsville, and Rural Point elementary schools earned the board of education continuous improvement award. This award recognizes schools that achieved a state accreditation rating of accredited or accredited with conditions and met at least one of the following benchmarks for improved performance on accreditation-related school quality indicators:
- A 10-point increase in the combined rate in reading and math and in the pass rate in science;
- A 10-point increase in the combined rate in reading and math for two or more student groups across 3 years;
- A decrease in the chronic absenteeism rate for 3 years; or
- For schools with a graduating class, an increase in the graduation and completion index and a decrease in the dropout rate for 3 years.
The board of education approved the criteria for the exemplar performance awards in April 2018. The recognition program aligns with the board’s accreditation standards and replaced the Virginia index of performance recognition program.