Hanover County Public Schools’ COVID-19 dashboard is part of our ongoing efforts to help keep our families, staff, and community informed about health concerns and related decisions connected to our schools.
As we continue to do everything reasonably possible to assist in these efforts, we will publish the most up-to-date information on confirmed COVID-19 cases each Friday by 5 p.m. on this page. Additionally, our schools communicate the number of positive cases to their communities via schoolwide email messages Monday through Friday and we notify the Virginia Department of Health of any outbreaks that occur in our school buildings.
Hanover County Public Schools believes that sharing this information will assist our community in better understanding the impact of COVID-19 throughout the school division. Due to privacy concerns, we are prohibited from identifying specific individuals or disclosing medical information about our staff, students, or visitors.
The following information represents all confirmed positive COVID-19 cases affecting our buildings since September 7, 2021, which was the first day of the 2021-2022 school year.
*This information represents COVID-19 cases that impacted our school buildings for the 2021-22 school year, which began on September 7, 2021 and ended on June 16, 2022.