Course Descriptions F

*Denotes college level content and materials are included in this course.

F550 French I
Grades 9 - 12 - Year - 1 Credit
In this beginning level course, students begin their acquisition of the French language. Emphasis is given to the development of basic skills in listening and speaking with a focus on interpretive communication and speaking performance at a novice level. Students will have additional practice with reading and writing French in controlled situations as they explore geography, culture, and customs of the Francophone countries.

F551 French II
Grades 9 - 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of French I
This course continues to build on the communication skills established in French I. Focus is given to developing reading and writing in French along with continued use of the language in class. The grammar in context is expanded and increased communication in French is required in the classroom. Goal of Novice High proficiency by the end of the course.

F552 French III
Grades 9 - 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of French II
The course continues to refine the communication skills learned in French I and II: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. With much of the course conducted exclusively in French, students will learn and apply new grammatical structures to higher level vocabulary in order to further expand communication skills. Primary focus is on speaking proficiency in non-scripted and unrehearsed settings. Increased emphasis will be placed on interpersonal communication skills. Goal of Intermediate Low proficiency by the end of the course.

F553 French IV
Grades 9 - 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of French III
With the course conducted solely in French, students will refine higher level grammatical structures and vocabulary in order to further expand interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational communication skills. Appropriate, authentic listening and reading texts are the primary focus of this upper-level course. Goal of Intermediate Mid proficiency by the end of the course.

F554 French V
Grades 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of French IV
This French language and culture course gives students the opportunity to review, refine, apply, and advance the language skills that they have acquired in previous years. Students have studied most of the grammatical structures presented in this course and have a significant working vocabulary. Students will apply their knowledge as they study the intricacies and nuances of the language and its cultures in great detail. Students are expected to use French at all times in the classroom. Some students may elect to take the AP exam. Goal of Intermediate High proficiency by the end of the course. 

F555 French VI
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of French V
This course continues the objectives of the upper-level program, but with an added focus on the interactions between speakers and writers in French. Students will use the language appropriately in a range of advanced situations using authentic texts as a basis for class discussion conducted solely in French. Some students may elect to take the AP exam. Goal of Advanced Low proficiency by the end of the course.

F560 German I
Grades 9 - 12 - Year - 1 Credit
In this beginning level course, students begin their acquisition of the German language. Emphasis is given to the development of basic skills in listening and speaking with a focus on interpretive communication and speaking performance at a novice level. Students will have additional practice with reading and writing German in controlled situations as they explore geography, culture, and customs of the German-speaking countries.

F561 German II
Grades 9 - 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of German I
This course continues to build on the communication skills established in German I. Focus is given to developing reading and writing in German along with continued use of the language in class. The grammar in context is expanded, and increased communication in German is required in the classroom. Goal of Novice High proficiency by the end of the course.

F562 German III
Grades 9 - 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of German II
The course continues to refine the communication skills learned in German I and II: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. With much of the course conducted exclusively in German, students will learn and apply new grammatical structures to higher level vocabulary in order to further expand communication skills. Primary focus is on speaking proficiency in non-scripted and unrehearsed settings. Increased emphasis will be placed on interpersonal communication skills. Goal of Intermediate Low proficiency by the end of the course.

F563 German IV
Grades 9 - 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of German III
With the course conducted solely in German, students will refine higher level grammatical structures and vocabulary in order to further expand interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational communication skills. Appropriate, authentic listening and reading texts are the primary focus of this upper-level course. Goal of Intermediate Mid proficiency by the end of the course.

F564 German V
Grades 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of German IV
This German language and culture course gives students the opportunity to review, refine, apply, and advance the language skills that they have acquired in previous years. Students have studied most of the grammatical structures presented in this course and have a significant working vocabulary. Students will apply their knowledge as they study the intricacies and nuances of the language and its cultures in great detail. Students are expected to use German at all times in the classroom. Some students may elect to take the AP exam. Goal of Intermediate High proficiency by the end of the course.

F565 German VI
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of German V
This course continues the objectives of the upper-level program, but with an added focus on the interactions between speakers and writers in German. Students will use the language appropriately in a range of advanced situations using authentic texts as a basis for class discussion conducted solely in German. Some students may elect to take the AP exam. Goal of Advanced Low proficiency by the end of the course.

F570 Latin I
Grades 9 - 12 - Year - 1 Credit
In this beginning level course, students will develop a working knowledge of the Latin language and its appreciation for Roman culture. Primary focus is given to vocabulary, grammar, and derivative study; reading, culture, and mythology. The legendary history and monarchy of Rome are historical periods studied at this level.

F571 Latin II
Grades 9 - 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Latin I
This course continues to build on the skills that students developed in Latin I. More emphasis is given to reading and comprehension of the written language than in the first year. The study of grammar is expanded and Republican history is covered. 

F572 Latin III
Grades 9 - 12 -Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Latin II
Students begin the course with an intensive review of grammar studied during the first two years. Most of the remaining grammatical and syntactical topics are introduced throughout the year, as are vocabulary, derivative studies, and cultural topics associated with the readings used at this level. The period of the empire is emphasized as the study of Roman history continues. 

F573 Latin IV
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Latin III
Students begin the course with an intensive review of grammar studied during the first three years. Second semester, students begin their study of the literary works of Ovid. Mythological and historical references in the original works read will be emphasized. Vocabulary specific to the authors being read will be studied. Some students at this level may work with the instructor to prepare for the International Baccalaureate exam.

F574 Latin V
Grades 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Latin IV
Students will concentrate on the study of Latin poetry with an emphasis on the works of Ovid/Catullus, Horace/Catullus, or Vergil. The AP and IB syllabi for the author(s) being read will be followed.

F575 Latin VI
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Latin V
Students will continue the study of Latin poetry and will study those authors on the AP/IB syllabi not studied at level V. The AP and IB syllabi for the selected author(s) will be followed. Some students may elect to take the IB exam in May. This course is taught at an accelerated pace.

F590 Spanish I
Grades 9 - 12 - Year - 1 Credit
In this beginning level course, students begin their acquisition of the Spanish language. Emphasis is given to the development of basic skills in listening and speaking, with a focus on interpretive communication and speaking performance at a novice level. Students will have additional practice with reading and writing Spanish in controlled situations as they explore geography, culture, and customs of the Spanish-speaking countries.

F591 Spanish II
Grades 9 - 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish I
This course continues to build on the communication skills established in Spanish I. Focus is given to developing reading and writing in Spanish along with continued use of the language in class. The grammar in context is expanded, and increased communication in Spanish is required in the classroom. Goal of Novice High proficiency by the end of the course.

F592 Spanish III
Grades 9 - 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish II
The course continues to refine the communication skills learned in Spanish I and II: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. With much of the course conducted exclusively in Spanish, students will learn and apply new grammatical structures to higher level vocabulary in order to further expand communication skills. Primary focus is on speaking proficiency in non-scripted and unrehearsed settings. Increased emphasis will be placed on interpersonal communication skills. Goal of Intermediate Low proficiency by the end of the course.

F593 Spanish IV
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish III
With the course conducted solely in Spanish, students will refine higher level grammatical structures and vocabulary in order to further expand interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational communication skills. Appropriate, authentic listening and reading texts are the primary focus of this upper level course. Goal of Intermediate Mid proficiency by the end of the course.

F594 Spanish V
Grades 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish IV
This Spanish language and culture course gives students the opportunity to review, refine, apply, and advance the language skills that they have acquired in previous years. Students have studied most of the grammatical structures presented in this course and have a significant working vocabulary. Students will apply their knowledge as they study the intricacies and nuances of the language and its cultures in great detail. Students are expected to use Spanish at all times in the classroom. Some students may elect to take the AP exam. Goal of Intermediate High proficiency by the end of the course.

F595 Spanish VI
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish V
This course continues the objectives of the upper-level program, but with an added focus on the interactions between speakers and writers in Spanish. Students will use the language appropriately in a range of advanced situations using authentic texts as a basis for class discussion conducted solely in Spanish. Some students may elect to take the AP exam. Goal of Advanced Low proficiency by the end of the course. 

F805 Spanish SL-A IB
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
(Year 1 of a 2-Year Course)
Prerequisite: Spanish IV
The course focuses on preparing students to express themselves accurately and effectively in a variety of contexts. Primary focus is to develop students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to an Intermediate High level. The course emphasizes communication through the study of a range of written and oral texts, such as short stories and newspaper articles. Functions of language (grammar and vocabulary) are enhanced through the study of themes and authentic texts. The course is conducted solely in the
target language.

F806 Spanish SL-B IB
Grades 11 and 12- Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
(Year 2 of a 2-Year Course)
Prerequisite: Spanish SL-A IB or Spanish V
The course continues to prepare students to express themselves accurately and effectively in a variety of contexts. Continued and enhanced focus further refines students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to an Advanced Low level. The course strengthens communication skills through the study of a wide range of written and oral texts, such as short stories, newspaper articles, and radio broadcasts in the target language. Functions of language (grammar and vocabulary) are enhanced and refined through the study of themes and authentic texts. The course is conducted solely in the target language. Students will take the IB exam which covers topics from IB-A and IB-B.

F808 German SL-A IB
Grades 11 and 12- Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
(Year 1 of a 2-Year Course)
Prerequisite: German IV
The course focuses on preparing students to express themselves accurately and effectively in a variety of contexts. Primary focus is to develop students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to an Intermediate High level. The course emphasizes communication through the study of a range of written and oral texts, such as short stories and newspaper articles. Functions of language (grammar and vocabulary) are enhanced through the study of themes and authentic texts. The course is conducted solely in the target language.

F809 German SL-B IB
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
(Year 2 of a 2-Year Course) Prerequisite:
German SL-A IB or German V
The course continues to prepare students to express themselves accurately and effectively in a variety of contexts. Continued and enhanced focus further refines students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to an Advanced Low level. The course strengthens communication skills through the study of a wide range of written and oral texts, such as short stories, newspaper articles, and radio broadcasts in the target language. Functions of language (grammar and vocabulary) are enhanced and refined through the study of themes and authentic texts. The course is conducted solely in the target language. Students will take the IB exam which covers topics from IB-A and IB-B.

F811 French SL-A IB
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
(Year 1 of a 2-Year Course) Prerequisite: French IV
The course focuses on preparing students to express themselves accurately and effectively in a variety of contexts. Primary focus is to develop students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to an Intermediate High level. The course emphasizes communication through the study of a range of written and oral texts, such as short stories and newspaper articles. Functions of language (grammar and vocabulary) are enhanced through the study of themes and authentic texts. The course is conducted solely in the target language.

F812 Latin SL-A IB
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
(Year 1 of a 2-Year Course)
Prerequisite: Latin IV
The aim of this course is to equip students with the language skills necessary to read with understanding Latin authors in the original language. Students will enrich their knowledge of classical civilization, history, and geography through analysis and discussion of various authors’ works. IB credit will be awarded at the conclusion of Year 2.

F813 Latin SL-B IB
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
(Year 2 of a 2-Year Course)
Prerequisite: Latin SL-A IB or Latin V
The aim of this course is to equip students with the language skills necessary to read with understanding Latin authors in the original language. Students will take the IB examination in May which covers topics from Year 1 and Year 2.

F814 French SL-B IB
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
(Year 2 of a 2-Year Course)
Prerequisite: French SL-A IB or French V
The course continues to prepare students to express themselves accurately and effectively in a variety of contexts. Continued and enhanced focus further refines students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to an Advanced Low level. The course strengthens communication skills through the study of a wide range of written and oral texts, such as short stories, newspaper articles, and radio broadcasts in the target language. Functions of language (grammar and vocabulary) are enhanced and refined through the study of themes and authentic texts. The course is conducted solely in the target language. Students will take the IB exam which covers topics from IB-A and IB-B.

F815 Spanish HL-A IB
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
(Year 1 of a 2-Year Course)
Prerequisite: Spanish IV
Year one of this two-year intensive course focuses on preparing students to express themselves accurately and effectively in a variety of contexts. The primary focus is to enhance and refine students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to an Intermediate High level. The course emphasizes communication through the study of a range of written and oral texts, such as short stories and newspaper articles. Functions of language (grammar and vocabulary) are enhanced through the study of themes and authentic texts. Authentic works of literature will also be studied. The course is conducted solely in the target language. Students will take the IB exam at the end of year two, which covers topics from IB-A and IB-B.

F816 Spanish HL-B IB
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
(Year 2 of a 2-Year Course)
Prerequisite: Spanish HL-A IB
The second year of this two-year intensive course continues to prepare students to express themselves accurately and effectively in a variety of contexts. Continued and enhanced focus further refines students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to an Advanced Low level. The course strengthens communication skills through the study of a wide range of written and oral texts, as well as more challenging authentic pieces of literature, short stories, newspaper articles, and radio broadcasts in the target language. Functions of language (grammar and vocabulary) are enhanced and refined through the study of themes and authentic texts. The course is conducted solely in the target language. Students will take the IB exam which covers topics from IB-A and IB-B.

F818 German HL-A IB
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
(Year 1 of a 2-Year Course)
Prerequisite: German IV
Year one of this two-year intensive course focuses on preparing students to express themselves accurately and effectively in a variety of contexts. The primary focus is to enhance and refine students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to an Intermediate High level. The course emphasizes communication through the study of a range of written and oral texts, such as short stories and newspaper articles. Functions of language (grammar and vocabulary) are enhanced through the study of themes and authentic texts. Authentic works of literature will also be studied. The course is conducted solely in the target language. Students will take the IB exam at the end of year two, which covers topics from IB-A and IB-B.

F819 German HL-B IB
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
(Year 2 of a 2-Year Course)
Prerequisite: German HL-A IB
The second year of this two-year intensive course continues to prepare students to express themselves accurately and effectively in a variety of contexts. Continued and enhanced focus further refines students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to an Advanced Low level. The course strengthens communication skills through the study of a wide range of written and oral texts, as well as more challenging authentic pieces of literature, short stories, newspaper articles, and radio broadcasts in the target language. Functions of language (grammar and vocabulary) are enhanced and refined through the study of themes and authentic texts. The course is conducted solely in the target language. Students will take the IB exam which covers topics from IB-A and IB-B.

F821 French HL-A IB
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
(Year 1 of a 2-Year Course)
Prerequisite: French IV
Year one of this two-year intensive course focuses on preparing students to express themselves accurately and effectively in a variety of contexts. The primary focus is to enhance and refine students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to an Intermediate High level. The course emphasizes communication through the study of a range of written and oral texts, such as short stories and newspaper articles. Functions of language (grammar and vocabulary) are enhanced through the study of themes and authentic texts. Authentic works of literature will also be studied. The course is conducted solely in the target language. Students will take the IB exam at the end of year two, which covers topics from IB-A and IB-B.

F822 French HL-B IB
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
(Year 2 of a 2-Year Course)
Prerequisite: French HL-A IB
The second year of this two-year intensive course continues to prepare students to express themselves accurately and effectively in a variety of contexts. Continued and enhanced focus further refines students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to an Advanced Low level. The course strengthens communication skills through the study of a wide range of written and oral texts, as well as more challenging authentic pieces of literature, short stories, newspaper articles, and radio broadcasts in the target language. Functions of language (grammar and vocabulary) are enhanced and refined through the study of themes and authentic texts. The course is conducted solely in the target language. Students will take the IB exam which covers topics from IB-A and IB-B.

FA01 Art I
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Art I introduces students to the fundamental principles of the visual arts. Through a variety of media, students will explore basic techniques in drawing, painting, and sculpture, while engaging in the creative process. The course fosters an appreciation of the world of art by incorporating artists from various places and times into units of study.

FA02 Art II
Grades 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Art I
Art II builds upon the foundational concepts and skills of Art I. Students enrolled in this course will engage in the creative process through a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional techniques. Art history is integrated within units of study. A knowledge of craftsmanship and characteristics of various media is stressed in order to expand visual expression.

FA03 Art III
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Art II
The student’s knowledge of design and self-expression is further expanded through engagement in the creative process. This course is designed for students who seek to further refine their artistic skills through a range of two-dimensional and three-dimensional techniques.

FA04 Art IV
Grade 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Art III
Art IV is designed for students who want to explore advanced problem-solving skills and the creative process in fine art. This course aims to provide a platform for students to further refine skills, explore complex artistic concepts, and develop a portfolio which showcases their artistic voice. A range of two-dimensional and three-dimensional techniques will be explored.

FA06 Crafts II
Grades 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Art I
Crafts II is an introductory course that explores the world of crafts, providing students with the opportunity to learn a variety of traditional and contemporary craft techniques. This course is designed to foster creativity, craftsmanship, and an understanding of the world of crafts, past and present.

FA07 Crafts III
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Crafts II
Crafts III is an intermediate course that builds upon the foundational concepts and skills of Crafts II. This course aims to further develop students' understanding of craft forms from different places and times, and to develop skills in a variety of craft forms. Originality and creativity are emphasized as students expand their skills.

FA08 Crafts IV
Grades 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Crafts III
Crafts IV builds upon skills and concepts acquired in Crafts III. This course offers a more in-depth experience in craft techniques. Through complex projects and techniques, students will deepen their understanding of a variety of crafts forms. Emphasis placed on honing technical skills, developing artistic voice, and exploring the world of crafts in order to create original high-quality craft works.

FA09 Photography I
Grades 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
No previous experience is necessary in black and white photography and darkroom techniques. Students must have access to film and a manual 35mm camera (some cameras may be available) and must supply their own film and printing paper. This course is designed to acquaint students with various methods of photography in order to produce creative and expressive compositions. Students will understand exposure, the 35mm film and camera, and black and white darkroom processes and film development. Photographic careers and history will be emphasized.

FA10 Art History
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Art History focuses on the development of art through the ages from around the world. How artists contribute to and are influenced by their own times and cultures will be investigated through various historical periods. Students will gain visual analysis skills through observation and discussion of many artistic styles, traditions, as well as works of contemporary artists. Art History is designed for junior and senior students who want a better understanding of the visual arts so that they can enjoy the art around them as well as become a more discerning patron, consumer, or producer of art. Several studio projects may be integrated with the study of specific periods or styles of art. 

FA11 Art History ADV
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 4.5)
This course focuses on an in-depth exploration of significant artistic movements, people, and works from a critical perspective. Students will examine art across cultures and times, focusing on the connections between art, history, and society. Students will gain visual analysis skills through observation and discussion of many artistic styles, traditions, as well as works of contemporary artists. Several studio projects may be integrated with the study of specific periods or styles of art.

FA12 Art III ADV *
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 4.5)
Prerequisite: Art II
The student’s knowledge of design and self-expression is further expanded through engagement in the creative process. In-depth exploration of artistic concepts, portfolio development, and engagement in artworks that reflect their personal voice and vision. This course is designed for students who seek to further refine their artistic skills through a range of two-dimensional and three-dimensional techniques.

FA13 Art IV ADV *
Grade 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 4.5)
Prerequisite: Art III
Art IV is designed for students who want to explore advanced problem-solving skills and the creative process in fine art through the creation of a body of work. This course aims to provide a platform for students to further refine skills, explore complex artistic concepts, and develop a portfolio which showcases their artistic voice. A range of two-dimensional and three-dimensional techniques will be explored.

FA14 Crafts III ADV *
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 4.5)

Prerequisite: Crafts II
Crafts III is an intermediate course that focuses on expanding technical skills and the creative process through complex craft forms while developing a portfolio of works. This course aims to further develop students' understanding of craft forms from different places and times, and to develop skills in a variety of craft forms. Originality and creativity are emphasized as students expand their skills.

FA15 Crafts IV ADV *
Grades 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 4.5)
Prerequisite: Crafts III
Crafts IV builds upon skills and concepts acquired in Crafts III. This course offers a more in-depth experience in craft techniques. Through complex projects and techniques, students will deepen their understanding of a variety of crafts forms. Emphasis is placed on honing technical skills and developing artistic voice, while refining a portfolio of works. Students will explore the world of crafts in order to create original high-quality craft works.

FA16 Photography II
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Photography I
Photography II is an intermediate course that builds upon concepts and skills acquired in Photography I. This course offers a deeper exploration of darkroom processes, creative printing techniques, and artistic expression. Students must have access to film and a manual 35 mm camera and must supply their own film and printing paper.

FA20 Concert Choir
Grades 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
This course is designed for the student who has had previous choral music experience at school or in the community but will accept beginners. The students study various styles of music from different historical periods. School and community concerts are scheduled throughout the year. Much attention is paid to developing skills for individual performance and musicianship.

FA21 Mixed Show Choir (SATB)
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Audition
This course is for the advanced choral music student, and a balance of vocal parts is a major consideration. The students will study and perform a wide variety of musical styles and genres. Many performances are given throughout the year. A high degree of skill in musicianship and performance is required. Choreography is included in the class.

FA22 Beginning Choir
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
This course is designed for students wishing to participate in a choral music ensemble. No experience necessary. Emphasis will be placed on developing vocal skill and skills in musicianship. Performances will be scheduled throughout the year.

FA23 Tenor-Baritone/Bass Choir
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
This course is designed for the student wishing to participate in a vocal ensemble specific to the tenor, baritone/bass voice ranges. Emphasis will be placed on developing vocal and musicianship skills. A variety of music, appropriate to the developing TBB voice, will be studied. Performances will be scheduled throughout the year.

FA24 Soprano-Alto Show Choir
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Audition
This course is designed for the advanced choral music student. It is designed for soprano and alto voice ranges, and a balance of vocal parts is a major consideration. Students will study and perform a wide variety of music. Many performances are scheduled throughout the year. A high degree of skill in musicianship and performance is required. Choreography is included in the class.

FA25 Treble Choir
Grades 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
This course is designed for students wishing to be in an all treble voice ensemble (Soprano & Alto ranges). Emphasis will be placed on developing vocal skills and musicianship. A variety of treble literature will be studied. Performances will be scheduled throughout the year.

FA26 Music Theory
Grades 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Basic notation and the study of music theory are taught in this course. While this course is designed for beginners, some background in playing an instrument or singing in a choir is helpful. Students also will experience a wide range of music from all time periods.

FA27, FA30, FA31, FA32 Concert Band
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisites: Placement by audition and prior instrumental music experience
Students must furnish instrument although limited school owned instruments are available. Emphasis is placed on developing and improving the fundamentals of instrumental music technique. Notation, articulation, interpretation, and a variety of musical styles are studied. Required activities include concerts, music festivals, and additional musical performances as the need arises.

FA33 Symphonic Band
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisites: Placement by audition and prior instrumental music experience
Students must furnish instrument although limited school owned instruments are available. Emphasis is placed on developing and improving performance skills through the use of advanced band literature. Notation, articulation, interpretation, and a variety of musical styles are studied. Required activities of this advanced ensemble include concerts, music assessments, and additional musical performances as the need arises.

FA34 Jazz Ensemble
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisites: Placement by audition 
Students must furnish instrument although limited school owned instruments are available. Jazz Ensemble specializes in big band, jazz, and pop music. Each player is selected by audition. The ensemble plays many times throughout the year for various civic organizations and in public concerts. Students must also participate in an additional musical ensemble. A background in music theory and a high degree of musicianship are required.

FA35 String Ensemble
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Placement by audition
Students must furnish instrument although limited school owned instruments are available. Emphasis is placed on ensemble playing and progressive technical study. A variety of music literature is studied and performed.

FA36 Wind Ensemble
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisites: Placement by audition and prior instrumental music experience
Students must furnish instrument although limited school owned instruments are available. Emphasis is placed on developing and improving performance skills through the use of advanced band literature. Notation, articulation, interpretation, and a variety of musical styles are studied. Required activities of this advanced ensemble include concerts, music assessments, and additional musical performances as the need arises.

FA39 Theatre Arts: Intermediate Acting and Playwriting 
Grades 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: FA40 
Through various types of performance, students investigate acting styles and explore the process of playwriting, which includes research, character development, and creation of dramatic structure, conflict, and resolution. Students study and respond to a variety of theatrical experiences that refine their collaborative, analytical, interpretive, and problem-solving skills. They continue to cultivate and refine their artistic abilities and appreciation of theatre arts.

FA40 Theater Arts: Introduction to Theater
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
The standards for Theater Arts: Introduction to Theater enable students to survey theater arts, experience and appreciate theatrical works and performances and participate in the creative processes of producing and performing theater. The course emphasizes foundational concepts, ensemble work, and skill development and provides theatrical opportunities for students to determine areas of personal interest.

FA41 Theater Arts: Dramatic Literature and Theater History
Grades 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: FA40
Prerequisites: Written test, portfolio/audition
Students will continue to participate in the production and performance aspects of theater while also investigating dramatic literature, theatrical styles, and historical periods. They study and respond to a variety of theatrical experiences that refine their communicative, collaborative, analytical, interpretive, and problem-solving skills. Students expand their artistic abilities and appreciation of theater arts.

FA42 String Orchestra
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Placement by audition
Students must furnish instrument although limited school owned instruments are available. Emphasis is placed on ensemble playing and progressive technical study. A variety of music literature is studied and performed. A high degree of skill in musicianship and performance is required.

FA43 Music Theory AP
Grades 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
The Music Theory AP course corresponds to one-to-two semesters of typical, introductory college music theory coursework that covers topics such as musicianship, theory, and musical materials and procedures. Through the course, students develop the ability to recognize, understand, and describe basic materials and processes of tonal music that are heard or presented in a score. Development of aural (listening) skills is a primary objective. Performance is also part of the curriculum through the practice of sight-singing. Students learn basic concepts and terminology by listening to and performing a wide variety of music. Notational skills, speed, and fluency with basic materials are emphasized. Students taking this course should have a background of playing an instrument or singing in an ensemble. This course is highly recommended for college bound music majors. Students are encouraged to take the AP Exam administered by the College Board and may receive college credit for qualifying scores.

FA44 Jazz Ensemble ADV
Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 4.5)
Prerequisites: Audition, 2 years sequential secondary music with a 3.0 or higher (ex. Grades 7 & 8)
Students must furnish instrument although limited school owned instruments are available. Jazz Ensemble specializes in big band, jazz, and pop music. The ensemble plays many times throughout the year for various civic organizations and in public concerts. Students must also participate in an additional musical ensemble. 

FA45 Mixed Show Choir (SATB) ADV
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 4.5)
Prerequisites: Audition, 2 years sequential secondary music with a 3.0 or higher (ex. Grades 7 & 8)
This course is for the advanced choral music student and a balance of vocal parts is a major consideration. Students will study and perform a wide variety of music. Many performances are scheduled throughout the year and participation is a requirement of the class. Choreography is included in the class.

FA46 String Orchestra ADV
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 4.5)
Prerequisites: Audition, 2 years sequential secondary music with a 3.0 or higher (ex. Grades 7 & 8)
Students must furnish instrument although limited school owned instruments are available. Emphasis is on developing and improving performance skills using advanced orchestral literature. Notation, articulation, interpretation, and a variety of musical styles are studied. Required activities of this advanced ensemble include concerts, music assessments, and additional musical performances as determined by the music teacher.

FA47 Soprano-Alto Show Choir ADV
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 4.5)
Prerequisites: Audition, 2 years sequential secondary music with a 3.0 or higher (ex. Grades 7 & 8)
This course is for the advanced choral music student. It is designed for soprano and alto voice ranges, and a balance of vocal parts is a major consideration. Students will study and perform a wide variety of music. Many performances are scheduled throughout the year and participation is a requirement of the class. Choreography is included in the class. 

FA48 Wind Ensemble ADV
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 4.5)
Prerequisites: Audition, 2 years sequential secondary music with a 3.0 or higher (ex. Grades 7 & 8)
Students must furnish instrument although limited school owned instruments are available. Emphasis is placed on developing and improving performance skills using advanced band literature. Notation, articulation, interpretation, and a variety of musical styles are studied. Required activities of this advanced ensemble include concerts, music assessments, and additional musical performances as determined by the music teacher. 

FA49 Theater Arts: Advanced Acting and Directing
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 4.5)
Prerequisites: 1) FA40, 2) FA41 and/or FA39, and 3) portfolio/audition 
Through research, performance, and evaluation, students develop artistic criteria that are applied to performing and directing. Students study and respond to a variety of theatrical experiences, showcasing and applying their collaborative, analytical, interpretive, and problem-solving skills. 

FA50 Chamber Vocal Ensemble ADV
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 4.5)
Prerequisites: Audition and recommendation from music teacher
This course is a small vocal ensemble for the advanced choral music student. The class will usually number 20-25 students and a balance of vocal parts is a major consideration. Students will study and perform a variety of music from all time periods. The ability to sight reading and a high degree of musicianship is required. Numerous performances will be given throughout the year. Choreography is not a component of this class. College level music is studied and performed.

FA60 2D Design AP
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
Prerequisite: C195 or FA16 depending on track
This course fosters rigorous study of two-dimensional design as the formal framework for creative and systematic investigation of conceptual issues. Students will engage in artistic investigation and production based on an increasingly self-determined direction. Students create a portfolio of work to demonstrate inquiry through art and design and development of materials, processes, and ideas over the course of a year. Portfolios include works of art and design, process documentation, and written information about the work presented. Students are encouraged to take the AP Art portfolio scored by the College Board and may receive college credit for qualifying scores.

FA70 2D Design II AP
Grade 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
Prerequisite: FA60
This course is designed for the graphics student who has completed 2D Design AP and wants to develop their exam portfolio for an additional year before submission for external examination. The portfolio contains two sections. Selected works section requires students to demonstrate skillful synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas. Students are also required to conduct a sustained investigation based on questions, through practice, experimentation, and revision. Both sections of the portfolio require students to articulate information about their work. Students are encouraged to take the AP Art portfolio scored by the College Board and may receive college credit for qualifying scores.

FA830 Visual Arts SL-A-IB *
Grades 11 and 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
(Year 1 of a Two-Year Course)
Prerequisite: FA02
This course aims to provide students with the opportunity to develop their aesthetic, imaginative, and creative faculties. The study of art and the various themes and motifs found in the work of diverse cultures will be emphasized. Students will assemble a process portfolio which will contain both visual and written information, works in progress, and technical research. Students will be expected to produce personal works of art, exhibit their art, and articulate the intent of each work. Practice in the use of a variety of media will be stressed. The quality of work produced in this course must demonstrate an understanding of theory and practice.

FA831 Visual Arts HL-A IB *
Grade 11 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
(Year 1 of a Two-Year Course)
Prerequisite: FA02
This course aims to provide highly committed students a structure for practicing their creative talents using a variety of media within a studio setting that fosters reading, research, and a strong analytical approach to developing art. Visual Art HL intends to enable students to discover, develop, and understand creative expression in diverse cultures while relating art to social and historical influences. Students are expected to explore art history and will be encouraged to develop connections between their own work in an effort to produce a high quality body of work for exhibition. Discussions and critiques of studio work will be ongoing to give an opportunity for students to articulate their artistic problems, solutions, influences, themes, and techniques. Students will assemble a process portfolio as a personal record of their artistic research. The visual arts journal will include both written material and sketches related to personal themes and plan drawings. Students will be expected to select significant works for exhibition which demonstrate growth and proficiency.

FA832 Visual Arts HL-B IB *
Grade 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
(Year 2 of a Two-Year Course)
Prerequisite: FA831
This course expands upon the experiences of students in Visual Art HL-A IB and prepares them for a final IB Visual Art HL examination. Students are expected to use their study of art and experiences in the studio to develop conceptual content in products and process portfolios. The studio work will include a quantity of significant pieces that result from thoughtful and individual investigations. The student will demonstrate the ability to solve technical problems, design problems, and select media that supports the expressive qualities in their art. Students will explore ideas and maintain a body of work that clearly indicates rigorous investigations, the development of themes, the creation of creative images, and competence in handling materials. The visual arts journal will contain both visual and written content. A strong connection between research and studio production will be evidenced through work that integrates content and the development of visual ideas. Students will work toward a final exhibition and review by an external examiner. Students are required to complete all IB required assessments related to this course and may receive college credit for qualifying scores.

FA834 Visual Arts SL-B IB *
Grade 12 – Year – 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5)
(Year 2 of a Two-Year Course)
Prerequisite: FA830
This second year of IB Visual Arts SL will continue the aims expressed in the description of Visual Arts SL-A IB. Students are expected to research art and artists, explore art-making methods, and develop an independent investigation which will culminate in a final exhibition. Students will also maintain a process portfolio which may include work in a visual journal, unresolved and resolved works, writing and research. Students are required to complete all IB required assessments related to this course and may receive college credit for qualifying scores.

FA840 Film SL-A IB *
Grade 11 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
This course explores film history and theory. It will develop students’ critical abilities enabling them to appreciate cultural and historical perspectives in film. To achieve an understanding of internationalism within the world of film, students will be taught to consider film texts, theories, and ideas from the points of view of different individuals, nations, and cultures. Students will be guided in their search for understanding through experiencing a wide range of different film texts. The aims are an appreciation and understanding of film as a complex art form; an ability to formulate stories and ideas in film terms; the practical and technical skills of production; critical evaluation of film productions; and knowledge of filmmaking traditions in more than one country.

FA841 Film SL-B IB *
Grade 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
Prerequisite: FA840
This second year of IB Film SL will continue the aims described in the description of Film SL-A-IB, and students will have an opportunity to develop skills in film production. This process will require creative and analytical skills, as well as meticulous organization and close collaboration with other students. Students will gradually move from creative exercises to more substantial projects. Students will learn the overall structure of film-making, the nature of relationships in a production team, and the need for discipline and protocol on a set or location. Through film production and analytical assignments, students will demonstrate proficiency. Students are required to complete all IB required assessments related to this course and may receive college credit for qualifying scores.

FA842 Film HL-A IB *
Grade 11 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
This course explores film history and theory. It will develop students’ critical abilities enabling them to appreciate cultural and historical perspectives in film. To achieve an understanding of internationalism within the world of film, students will be taught to consider film texts, theories, and ideas from the points of view of different individuals, nations, and cultures. Students will be guided in their search for understanding through experiencing a wide range of different film texts. The aims are: an appreciation and understanding of film as a complex art form; an ability to formulate stories and ideas in film terms; the practical and technical skills of production; critical evaluation of film productions; and knowledge of filmmaking traditions in more than one country. Students will work towards completing the requirements of the higher-level (HL) curriculum which will be finished in the second year of the course.

FA843 Film HL-B IB *
Grade 12 - Year - 1 Weighted Credit (weighted out of 5.0)
Prerequisite: FA842
This second year of IB Film HL will continue the aims described in the description of Film HL-A IB, and students will have an opportunity to develop skills in film production. This process will require creative and analytical skills, as well as meticulous organization and close collaboration with other students. Students will gradually move from creative exercises to more substantial projects. Students will learn the overall structure of film-making, the nature of relationships in a production team, and the need for discipline and protocol on a set or location. Through film production and analytical assignments, students will demonstrate proficiency. These assignments are similar to those completed in Film SL-B IB, but they have extended time or page requirements. Students are required to complete all IB required assessments related to this course and may receive college credit for qualifying scores.

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