Quick Facts
- Last week’s school closures require changes to the planned end of the first semester and start of the second semester.
- Thursday, January 16 will be the final day of the first semester and the end of the second nine weeks.
- Friday, January 17 will be the first day of the second semester and the start of the third nine weeks.
Full Message/Details
Dear Families, Faculty, and Staff,
We hope you are well. We are writing to share with you important information regarding the end of the first semester and start of the second semester.
As we have shared with you, last week’s school closures impacted not only our banked/makeup days, but the timing of the switch from the first semester to the second semester. In the adopted 2024-25 school calendar, January 10 was slated to be the end of the first semester and January 14 was slated to be the start of the second semester.
To allow ample time for remaining instruction and assessments, please note the following:
- Thursday, January 16 will be the final day of the first semester and the end of the second nine weeks.
- Friday, January 17 will be the first day of the second semester and the start of the third nine weeks.
- Report card distribution will now take place on Friday, January 31 across the school division.
Middle and high school students and families, please note that the A/B schedule is the following this week:
- Monday, January 13: B Day
- Tuesday, January 14: A Day
- Wednesday, January 15: B Day
- Thursday, January 16: A Day
- Friday, January 17: B Day
Thank you for your patience, understanding, and support.
Hanover County Public Schools