School Board Policy 6-5.2 outlines the composition and role of the Library Materials Committee. The committee is composed of seven Hanover County residents, one from each of the seven magisterial districts, along with the Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Leadership or designee, who serves as an ex officio, nonvoting member. Members are appointed by the School Board each August for one-year terms, with no term limits.
The Library Materials Committee is charged with reviewing requests for reconsideration of library materials as outlined in School Board Policy 6-5.2.
The Library Materials Committee typically meets at the School Board Office in the Board Room. Please
visit BoardDocs, a web-based tool for publishing meeting agendas, minutes, and support documents, and select "Library Materials Committee (LMC)" on the top right of the page.
- Jennifer Greif, Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Leadership and Chief Academic Officer